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BC Condo Owners on the hook for deductibles
condo owners struggle strata deductibles
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How Liability Deductibles Strata Claim BC Work

Insure Your Condo Against Sky High Strata Deductibles

BC's only dedicated "XS" Condo Insurance website. We solve the problem when your insurance policy does not have enough limit to pay your Strata's All-Risk Deductibles.

Did You Get a Warning Letter from Your Strata?

If your strata has sent you a letter warning you that their water damage and All-Risk deductibles have gone up, pay attention. Your current policy may not have enough limit to cover you.

Woman Holding Strata Policy Deductible Warning Letter

Check your current policy. You could face tens of thousands in losses if your current policy does not have enough coverage to pay your strata insurance deductibles. You can now buy XS coverage to addresses this problem where you have purchased a home policy but it does not cover the full deductible the strata requires.

Check Your Strata's Insurance Deductibles

Why is this important? brings relief amid rising water damage deductibles. We lower risk by providing excess coverage required by strata corporation's insurers. Our solution acts as supplementary coverage, extending beyond the owner's policy to offer a "top-up" limit when their existing coverage falls short.

Water Damage Claims Strata Buildings

Step 1: What do you have?

To find the Protection Limit on your current policy, review your unit owner's insurance policy. Check for terms such as "Strata Deductible Coverage," "Condo Owner's Protection Coverage," or "Condominium Deductible Assessment." In the examples below, TD's Preferred Plus provides a maximum coverage of  $35,000, while Square1 Insurance offers a maximum of $350,000. This represents the coverage amount on your owner's policy if damage to other strata units and common areas originates from within your unit.

TD Insurance Strata Deductible Claims Strata.jpg

Step 2: What do you need?

Request the Declaration Pages of your Strata Corporation's Insurance Policy. Review the strata corporation's current policyand focus on the Deductibles section, specifically looking for terms like "Water Damage" or "All Loss Deductible".  In the example below it is $500,000. This amount signifies the threshold of assessed damage that must be reached before your strata would file a claim.

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Step 3:  Do you need more coverage?

If you're underinsured, buy coverage here.

If your strata policy has a $500,000 deductible and your current owner's policy only covers $35,000 you are underinsured by $465,000. To address this gap, consider getting a policy for Excess Water Damage Coverage.

Note:  In most cases, strata corporations may require the at-fault or responsible unit owner to pay the entire cost for repairs to the building, covering the full deductible amount.

Are you currently underinsured? 

strata condo building insurance deductible water damage buy down
Bridge Your Insurance Gap with Confidence

Take the next step to protect your assets

Welcome to, dedicated to safeguarding your financial future. We specialize in bridging the gap in strata insurance water damage deductibles. With us, you're not just buying insurance; you're securing peace of mind. Our user-friendly, efficient, and transparent platform is designed to empower condo owners in British Columbia to effortlessly protect themselves against unforeseen and potentially costly water damage liabilities. Embrace a smarter insurance approach, and let us handle the complexities, leaving you to enjoy your home, worry-free.

Protecting you

Bridge the Gap and Stay Financially Secure's innovative insurance solution offers financial protection against high deductible payments through water damage coverage gap solutions. With our comprehensive coverage, we aim to safeguard you from unexpected expenses, ensuring peace of mind in the face of financial risks. The XS Water Damage Policy Solution for Strata Unit Owners.

Stay Protected with Our Excess Coverage

Our excess coverage bridges the gap between your current policy and the strata's deductible, keeping you financially safe. The XS Water Damage Policy Solution for Strata Unit Owners.

Easy and Hassle-Free Insurance Solutions

We make it simple to purchase the excess coverage you need, providing peace of mind and financial security. The XS Water Damage Policy Solution for Strata Unit Owners.

Protect Your Finances with Our Coverage

Don't let high deductible payments drain your savings. Our coverage ensures you're financially protected.

Our carriers

bc condo owner water damage all risk insurance policy for your strata
Are You Fully Protected?

Water Damage Protection for Your Condo

Discover the alarming statistics on water and fire damage incidents in condos and the average deductible amounts. Don't leave yourself financially vulnerable.

of condo owners who buy home insurance online have not reviewed their strata policy
average strata deductible for water damage in 20+ floor buildings

Protect Your Finances

Check your current policy limits and consider purchasing our excess coverage if you don't have enough protection. Don't fall into financial ruin by being underinsured.

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The Pinnacle, Burnaby

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Strata Insurance FAQ

Find answers to commonly asked questions about your Strata's insurance policy.

What is strata insurance?

Strata insurance is a policy purchased by a strata corporation that covers liability, common property and assets, buildings shown on the strata plan, and fixtures built or installed on a strata lot as part of the original construction. It typically includes coverage for damage caused by fire, wind, water, and other perils. However, strata insurance deductibles can be significant, and condo owners may be responsible for paying the deductible amount in case of a claim for which the owner is deemed responsible or at-fault.

Why do I need provides an innovative insurance solution for owners of a unit managed by a strata corporation with high deductibles for water damage. It helps condo owners obtain coverage to pay the strata's deductible, filling the gap between their current policy and the amount they would have to pay out of pocket.

How does it work? offers excess coverage that supplements your existing unit owner's insurance policy. In case of a claim, if your current policy limit is insufficient to cover the strata's deductible, will step in and cover the difference, protecting you from significant out-of-pocket expenses.

How do I purchase?

Purchasing excess coverage from is easy. Simply get a quote online, provide the necessary information about your strata corporation and unit, and choose the coverage amount that suits your needs. You can get a quote and complete the purchase online, ensuring you have the protection you need.

Is it worth it?

Yes, is worth it. By having excess coverage, you can avoid the financial burden of paying a high strata insurance deductible out of pocket. It provides peace of mind and ensures that you are financially protected in case of a claim.

Want more info? Visit the Strata Insurance Guide

Get Your Personalized Quote Today

Discover how can help you protect your finances by filling the gap between your current insurance coverage and the high deductibles imposed by strata corporations.